We introduce you to the Spanish History of Science, where knowledge blends with fun in a unique and exciting card game!
I had the enormous privilege of bringing to life this scientific adventure that invites players of all ages to chronologically order and immerse themselves in the great milestones, events, and geniuses that have shaped the course of science in Spain.
Researching the style
We needed a game for both young and old players, creating that moment where everyone can have fun and learn.
Three different styles were proposed in sketches, and two of them moved on to the next phase.
What happened then was that our ideas and opinions came together: the artistic team chose one style and the editor chose another. So the best option was to create a blend of the best of both and create the first image of the entire deck: Isabel Zendal.

Building the game

To clearly differentiate both sides of the card, we used the lilac from the color palette to tint the illustrated part without the solution date.

For the other side, containing the year of the described milestone, we used the full-color illustration and a red frame.

Regarding the flat illustration style, certain areas were highlighted with grain shading to add volume. The entire game is a vector illustration work, allowing us to work easily with all shapes without being limited by any resolution.

All of this has been an idea from the fabulous minds of Principia, the top magazine that allows you to enjoy science and literature with wonderful artists.
You’ll find the link to purchase the game, and also all their magazines and published games on their spanish website.

Todo esto ha sido una idea de la fabulosa cabeza pensante de Principia, la publicación más top que te permite disfrutar de la ciencia y la literatura de la forma más artística posible.
A continuación tendrás el enlace para comprar el juego, pero puedes encontrar todas sus revistas y juegos publicados en su web.